Saturday, November 16, 2013

So I decided I'm ready for the next phase?


Okay, first of all. Every time I hear the word "phase" I think of the three years that I spent in braces. Phase 1 and Phase 2. I had some messed up teeth, so these phases may (or may not) have repeated at least twice. 

Anyway, not that my braces are interesting or this post will be either, but that's not the phase I am thinking about. This idea or concept has probably been brewing for awhile now, but I feel like I am ready for the next step of life of being on my own. My first year of college, I was always counting down the days until I could go home and see my family again. I was like that at the beginning of this year a little too, but lately I have definitely not felt that "need" to go home. With a month long Christmas break approaching, I can't say I'm crazy excited to be home for a whole month. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my family to pieces. I am still excited to see them and can't wait to laugh and share stories with them. It's just that I feel like I am ready to let go of the rope that ties me to them. I am ready to be on my own. In an essence, I am since I'm a college student. 

Another thing that may be adding to this feeling is my desire to get out of this one room dorm room. I can't complain too much, I don't mind living here. It has a lot of perks, but I live in one room and share a bathroom with 50 other girls. My kitchen table is my bed or my desk. Privacy is non-existent. I just want a TV and a couch. That last part sounds a little crazy, I know.

Also, since this little enlightening, I really want to go on a mission trip. I'm also thinking about this summer, and I just wanna do something that is awesome. Something that's more empowering than working at a donut shop. Just some ideas... 

But what do I know? A crazy little college girl with no income can't just do whatever she wants. 
They'd call that girl Loco Cocoa. I'm gonna pray about it, and if anyone reads this: can you say a quick prayer for me too?



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