Saturday, September 7, 2013

So I decided that I am a jenk blogger?


So I decided that I should really blog more often. Not that anyone even reads this, I'm aware of that. It's all good. It feeds my need to let some stuff out and gives an artificial feeling that people care. Ha that just sounds depressing. It's really not.

It's been longer than a month since I last posted anything, not surprised. So much has happened since then, it's awful crazy. Starting school back up has definitely made my life about 700x crazier than it was over the summer, but that's okay. It keeps me busy and out of trouble! :)

The last month has definitely been filled with some struggles, both big and small. But that's okay. What is life without a few little speed bumps or sharp turns? These have really assured me of something that I thought I already knew, and quite frankly that's pretty great. I believe that God uses tough situations to help you out sometimes, and that's pretty stinkin' cool. 

I've been trying to channel my inner social butterfly this semester. Not an epic failure, but it's not like friends are crashing down my door to hang out with me. In fact, I just watched 5 episodes of Parks and Rec, decided I should do something constructive so I watched wedding proposals. Hellllllloooo world, I'm here and ready to party! ;) 

My coffee addiction is for real now. I need my daily caffeine or proper functioning does not occur. 

Oh! And I had a birthday! My first birthday away from home. That was weird.

My laundry is waiting for me. Don't want these goofy college kids to steal it from me! My teddy bear shirt only looks super cute on me!

Peace out, girl scout.


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